
People - Cards/Key Fobs

Cards/Key Fobs are used with the EZ Check-IN and EZ Check-OUT processes. They group people in a household, assign them a Family ID and define who is authorized to check someone in or out.

The "List Of RFID Cards/Key Fobs" screen shows a list of already assigned RFID Cards or RFID Key Fobs.

This list can be sorted by Family ID, Card or Key Fob Number, Main Phone Number or Name.

The "EZ Check-IN Household Set Up..." screen shows information about that household.

Use the (...) pick list buttons to select or clear a person and click (Done) to save changes. Use the (Test Check-IN) button with the Attendance Type value to see how the settings work or the (Combine...) button to combine one or more Cards/Key Fobs.