Gifts/Pledges - Gift Analysis
The "'Gift Analysis', {Totals} tab" screen shows aggregated information about the gifts your organization has received. This screen is used to see how many giving units are giving and at what levels you define, broken down by members and small groups as well. This example shows all the information under the {Totals} tab.
The "'Gift Analysis', {Giving Units} tab" screen shows each Giving Unit ID ("GUID#"), "Giving Unit Name", the "# Gifts" (number of gifts) they gave for the month, their total giving for the month ("Total Given"), their giving as a percentage of the total giving for the month, whether or not they are a member and whether or not they are in a small group.
The "'Gift Analysis', {Members} tab" screen shows each Giving Unit ID ("GUID#") and "Giving Unit Name" of every Giving Unit linked to at least one person who is also a Member (i.e., the person's Member Date is filled in). It also shows the "# Gifts" (number of gifts) they gave for the month, their total giving for the month ("Total Given"), their giving as a percentage of the total giving for the month, whether or not they are a member and whether or not they are in a small group.
The "'Gift Analysis', {Small Group Members} tab" screen shows each Giving Unit ID ("GUID#") and "Giving Unit Name" of every Giving Unit linked to at least one person who is also in a Small Group. It also shows the "# Gifts" (number of gifts) they gave for the month, their total giving for the month ("Total Given"), their giving as a percentage of the total giving for the month, whether or not they are a member and whether or not they are in a small group.
The "Gift Analysis Detail" screen shows all gifts a specific Giving Unit gave for the current year, regardless of Gift Category (i.e., Fund).
The "'Gift Analysis', {Those Who Stopped Giving} tab" screen is used to determine if an active Giving Unit has stopped giving, which can be a sign they are about to leave your church or organization. You can also create follow ups (ticklers) automatically if someone hasn't given in X number of weeks as well. Or, you can inactivate all of the giving units listed using the (Inactivate All) button.
The "Update A Giving Unit's Name/Address" screen is used to create or change a Giving Unit's information.
The "Totals By Year/Category" screen shows totals for all of the Giving Unit's giving information, by Year/Gift Category (Fund).
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